Corporate Social Responsibility

“CSR Initiative: Fostering Innovation in Nephrology Research”
At Mylin Biotech, we recognise that countries gain global recognition through their innovative contributions across various fields. Embracing this ethos, we not only take pride in our own innovative endeavours but also hold deep respect for advancements in Nephrology and other specialties worldwide.

As part of our Corporate Social Responsibility (CSR) program, Mylin Biotech is committed to encouraging and rewarding outstanding research that significantly benefits the Chronic Kidney Disease (CKD) population. We believe in nurturing a culture of excellence and collaboration within the research community.

Key Highlights

Recognition and Reward

Mylin Biotech will annually recognize and reward the two best research papers in the field of CKD. These accolades will be bestowed at prestigious national forums, such as the International Society of Nephrology (ISN) and the Society for Renal Nutrition and Metabolism Conference (SRNMCON).

Qualifying Criteria

The selection process for the best research papers will be rigorously judged by distinguished office holders of the respective conferences. This ensures a fair and impartial evaluation, maintaining the highest standards of excellence.

Global Impact

By supporting and acknowledging groundbreaking research within our country, Mylin Biotech aims to elevate India’s standing on the global stage of CKD research. We believe in contributing to the growth of our nation’s scientific footprint and fostering collaboration with the international research community

Join us in our commitment to advancing knowledge, promoting innovation, and making a meaningful impact on the lives of those affected by Chronic Kidney Disease. Together, let’s chart new territories in research and pave the way for a healthier future.